Useful Danish Words For Your Trip To Denmark

You’re excited about your trip to Denmark, but what about the language? Even though most Danes have an excellent grasp of English, not everyone speaks it fluently outside the major tourist hot spots. So it’s always a good idea to learn some basic Danish words and phrases that will help you get around smoothly.

Learning tak, which means thank you in Danish, and farvel, which means goodbye, would be polite before visiting Denmark. This article also includes words you may need to know when using public transport and for popular attractions around Copenhagen.

You don’t need to worry about hello in Danish; it’s hi (spelt hej). However, it’s essential to know the words that will keep you out of danger or Danish words you may need in an emergency. And it’s helpful to know Apotek is the Danish word for pharmacy.

The Danish flag a white cross on a red background.
The Dannebrog – The Danish Flag

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You may find an English translation alongside Danish words in some places, but not always. So, don’t forget to keep this guide with you during your trip.

How To Be Polite In Danish: 7 Words To Know

Knowing polite words like thank you when travelling is important because it can make a big difference in how you are perceived.

The person you speak to will be more receptive to you if they feel that you have made an effort to understand even just a few words in their language, which can make a huge difference when trying to find your way around.

Polite Words in EnglishDanish Translation of Polite Words
See You LaterVi Ses
Thank YouTak
Excuse MeUndskyld mig
PleaseThere is no Danish word for please

Danish Words You Need To Know To Stay Safe In Denmark

During your stay in Denmark, you may encounter some words you need to know to keep out of harm’s way. Most of these words aren’t obvious to a non-Danish speaker, so keep this list handy during your trip.

The Danish words in the table below are in alphabetical order.

Danish Words You Need To Know To Stay SafeEnglish Translation of Danish Words You Need To Know To Stay Safe
Adgang ForbudtNo Trespassing
Biologisk FareBio Hazard
Farlige MaterialerHazardous Materials
Hed / BrændendeHot
Ikke RøreDo Not Touch
Ingen AdgangNo Entry
Ingen SvømningNo Swimming
Rygning ForbudtNo Smoking
Privat Område*Private Area*
Ud Af DriftOut of Order

* Private Area / Privat OmrÃ¥de doesn’t necessarily mean the area is out of bounds. Check the signage; there may be a message in English which allows you to pass through the area provided you follow the specified rules.

Danish Words That Will Help When Using Public Transport

If you plan to use public transport to get around Copenhagen, you must know that Copenhagen Central Station is København H or Hovedbanegården in Danish.

Train and metro announcements around Copenhagen (but as a general rule, not the rest of Denmark) are given in Danish and English.

Regional and intercity trains have a small screen above the seat that may show two cities; this indicates that the seat is reserved for that leg of the journey.

However, it may state kan være reserveret, which means you can reserve the seat, or it is available, so you can sit in it.

Ikke i rute means a vehicle is not in service.

The following table lists Danish words you may need while using public transport.

Danish Words Used On Public Transport English Translation of Danish Words Used on Public Transport
BanegårdenTrain Station
God RejseGood (safe) journey
Ikke i rute Not In Service
Kan Være ReserveretThe seat can be reserved (see information above)
Næste StationNext station
S TogCommuter train serving inner and outer Copenhagen
Tog BusReplacement bus service
A sign with the white letter S on a red background indicating an S Train stop in Copenhagen, Denmark.
A Sign For The S Train in Copenhagen

Danish Island Names In English

Denmark has several islands with Danish and English names, which can be confusing. The table below shows the three largest islands (other than Greenland) that you will likely travel to or through while visiting Denmark.

Jutland is connected to Germany, technically making it a peninsula, but I have included it in this list as many people refer to it as an island.

Name Of The Island in DanishName Of The Island in EnglishLargest City on the Island

Copenhagen Attractions In Danish

Some maps may list Copenhagen attractions in Danish, which can be confusing. Below is a handy table that shows all the good things to see and do in Copenhagen, both in English and Danish.

Copenhagen Attraction in DanishCopenhagen Attraction in English
ArbejdermuseetWorkers Museum
Botanisk HaveBotanical Garden
Dansk Arkitektur CenterDanish Architecture Centre (DAC)
Davids SamlingThe David Collection
Den Lille HavfrueThe Little Mermaid
Det Kongelige BibliotekThe Kings Library / The Black Diamond
Dyrehaven / Jægersborg DyrehaveDeer Park
KastelletThe Citadel
Københavns MuseumMuseum of Copenhagen
Kongens HaveKings Garden
Marmor Kirken / Frederiks KirkeThe Marble Church (also known as Frederiks Church)
Medical MuseionMedical Museum
National MuseetNational Museum of Denmark
Rosenborg SlotRosenborg Castle
RundetårnRound Tower
SlotCastle / Palace
Statens Museum For Kunst (SMK)National Gallery of Denmark
Statens Naturhistoriske MuseumNatural History Museum
StrøgetCopenhagen’s Walking Street
Vor Frelsers KirkeChurch of Our Saviour (with the spiral tower)
Vor Frue KirkeCopenhagen Cathedral

Everyday Danish Words To Help Your Trip Run Smoothly

You are likely to encounter the words in the table below daily. Knowing these words will help you navigate your travels more smoothly.

The easiest way to refer to the toilet (bathroom) is to ask for WC. However, it is pronounced VC.

One particular word doesn’t translate well: Juli, meaning July. Google translates it to Christmas, and it’s incredibly confusing if you’re looking at dates. For example, if the text reads 30 Juli, it means the 30th of July, not Christmas. 

The Danish word for Christmas is Jul.

The everyday Danish words in the table are in alphabetical order.

Everyday Danish Words For An Easy TripEnglish Translation of Everyday Danish Words
DametoiletWomen’s Toilet
FodgængerfeltPedestrian Crossing
Have / HavnHarbour
HerretoiletMen’s Toilet
Indre ByInner City
PantRefundable deposit on drink bottles and cans
Skubbe / Trykke PÃ¥Push
WC (pronounced VC)Toilet

Emergency Numbers For Denmark

It’s always good to add emergency numbers to your phone before you travel. Then, if you need them in a hurry, you have them to hand.

You can find emergency numbers for Copenhagen in this article titled Emergency Numbers For Copenhagen, Denmark.

Road Signs in Denmark

I have not included road signs in this post. If you are hiring a car or riding a bicycle check out Traffic

Danish To English Dictionaries

It’s no surprise how few Danish-to English-dictionaries there are now that we have Google Translate, but if you are interested in learning a little more about the Danish language, take a look at these two handy dictionaries and phrasebooks.

Berlitz Phrase Book & Dictionary Danish

Danish Pocket Dictionary: Illustrated (Pocket Dictionary Series)

Are You Ready For Your Trip To Denmark?

Knowing these essential Danish words will help your visit to Denmark run smoothly. You won’t find it challenging to get around Denmark if you don’t speak Danish. 90% of Danes speak English.

Neither will you struggle if English isn’t your first language. The Danes are friendly people and will happily help if you ask.

But it’s always a good idea to learn at least some words and phrases for any country you visit.

A trip to Denmark should be on everyone’s bucket list. Denmark is a beautiful country that’s easy to travel around. The people are friendly, the food is good, and the standard of living is high. As a result, Denmark is ranked 2nd (behind Iceland) on the 2023 Global Peace Index.

How Can I Help?

Having lived in Copenhagen for over a decade, I have insider tips and local know-how to help you explore the city’s best attractions and vibrant culture. I can help make your trip unforgettable and offer free advice when you need it.

And if you’re seeking a more personalised touch or a detailed itinerary, I offer premium paid services for a tailor-made experience. Use the contact button to find out more.

Karen, owner of My Path To Travel website.

Discover The Best Attractions In Copenhagen